Support ChemTalk

As some of you may know, CALPACS is supporting a local nonprofit called ChemTalk. They have made great progress, raising more funds and growing their website traffic to over 200,000 visitors a month in less than a year.

ChemTalk need additional volunteers, paid interns, and potentially employees later this year. Helping them can either be remote (writing articles, helping with social media or video editing), or in their new “ChemTalk LiveLab” located in Camarillo where they will record and livestream chemistry experiments, demonstrations, and scientific equipment. See the link below for a full description of the LiveLab. They will also potentially use the LiveLab as a base for chemistry outreach to local schools that have limited science resources onsite.

If you teach middle school, high school or college chemistry ChemTalk hopes you can fill out this short survey on how you could benefit from the LiveLab:

Please contact Scott Gietler at with questions. You can find more information in this flyer: